Iain McLean

Head of IT

In this blog, Iain, shares his journey with One Nexus so far.

Hi, Iain. Can you tell us about your role at One Nexus?
My role as Head of IT at One Nexus Business Solutions is certainly very varied; as you can imagine, when working in IT, we have several responsibilities. For example, we manage all the internal IT such as firewalls, network infrastructure and all the equipment the team uses here at One Nexus. In addition to the internal systems we look after, we also support the programs and products that the team is selling to our clients and all the client-facing systems like the website and mobile applications. In addition, we are also tasked with the development of certain products, such as our app. On a personal level, I’m also in charge of the outsourced team in India. So, it's fair to say that we have a lot going on! But it’s great fun, which is why I’ve stuck around for the past 35 years!

That’s great, Iain. Can you tell us about your journey with One Nexus so far?
I first started with One Nexus in 1989 as a field service engineer. At the time, One Nexus had recently developed software systems, which I was tasked with installing and maintaining across our clients. My job was primarily installation, networking and cabling. However, this all changed when I broke my leg playing football at the company five a side. As you can imagine, I couldn’t get around very easily, so I wasn’t able to fulfil my everyday role. I ended up working in technical support while I was laid up and really enjoyed the role. I eventually moved into the role full-time and worked my way up to become the manager of the engineering team. This gave me far more variation in my role, especially when Windows came along. Around 2000, the Internet was growing, and so were broadband services, so that’s when we moved things out to be Internet-based. I eventually moved from my technical support role to technical manager, and I’ve not looked back since.

What would you say you enjoy most about your job?
My favourite thing about my job is that I work with a great team of people. Although a few people have come and gone since I’ve been here, there has always been a great bunch of individuals here. As mentioned before, I also love that every day working in IT is different; we are constantly maintaining and managing systems in order to deliver optimum IT performance, learning new things and working on new products. There’s never a dull moment. I’d also like to say that One Nexus is always forthcoming with training opportunities to help us keep up with the ever-changing landscape of IT. I like to keep up with tech advancements outside of work, mainly because I’m interested in them, but for anyone who doesn’t seek it out in their spare time like me, the resources are there to help you develop your skills.

What about One Nexus made you want to get involved?
It’s funny because I had my mind set when I was younger on joining the Royal Air Force. Going into IT hadn’t really crossed my mind at all - though I did like computers! In fact, I passed all the tests needed to become a pilot. But unfortunately, it transpired that I had a problem with one of my eyes which meant I wasn’t eligible to fly. This left me questioning my next steps. One day, I saw the One Nexus job advertised, and because I had a relatively good understanding of IT systems and computers at the time, I applied and, luckily enough, got the job!

Outside of work, what do you enjoy doing?
Outside of work, I enjoy fishing and reading books. You can’t beat a lazy weekend spent fishing and reading a good book by a lake. It’s the perfect way to relax. I have two dogs that need walking every day, so they keep me busy. I also enjoy Formula 1 and watching sports in general. It’s fair to say I’m looking forward to the coming summer with the Euros and the Olympics around the corner!

What’s your advice for someone looking to join the business?
One Nexus is a great company to work for. If you’re a young person just out of college or university looking to start a career in IT support or data analytics, One Nexus is certainly the place to do so. We cover all aspects of IT here, and you couldn’t ask for a better team to start your journey with.

Finally, what is one thing you would like readers to know about yourself or One Nexus that they might not know already?
We offer a wide range of services here at One Nexus, some of which can often fall under the radar. Whether people are interested in Fleet, Mobility, Aftermarket, or Innovation, we have a wide range of offerings that can really benefit manufacturers. So, why not give us a call to see how we can help?

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