Christina Stewart

HR Manager

In our latest blog, we chat with our HR Manager, Christina Stewart.

Christina plays a vital role in shaping our workplace culture and creating an environment for our team to thrive and deliver the best customer service. Let's dive into her journey and insights!

Hi, Christina. Can you tell us about your role at One Nexus?
As One Nexus Group’s HR Manager, I’m in charge of everything from the recruitment process – screening CVs, conducting interviews, performing pre-employment checks, and making offers – to supporting managers facilitate inductions for new hires. I also handle various ongoing HR processes, such as appraisals and promotions. It’s a great job, and there’s always something keeping me busy, which I love. Recently, I’ve been fortunate enough to work more closely with senior management to help guide the company’s direction. It’s been great sitting in on board meetings and gaining insight into the broader workings of the business from leaders like Andreea, our Finance Director, and Alan, our Commercial Director.

What is your experience in the automotive industry so far?
Before joining One Nexus in 2011, I actually worked in a pub. I got the job while at university and worked my way up to becoming the manager. My time working in the pub gave me a lot of transferable skills, such as managing people, listening to their troubles, and learning how to communicate effectively – all great skills for working in HR. The main difference now is that the people I speak to are sober!

How has your journey with One Nexus been so far?
I have loved my journey with One Nexus. I started out as a recruitment administrator and underwent various training programmes, including recruitment training and interview skills. I also completed my CIPD Level 3 and Level 5 qualifications with the company’s support. From recruitment, I transitioned into HR administration and progressed to where I am today. As you can see, I have been given every opportunity to upskill myself professionally at One Nexus, but I’d also like to highlight the incredible personal support I’ve had from the managers and even the directors I report to. In the early days, I reported directly to our then CEO, Peter Blease. He was the one who made me realise that I could excel in my role. He was always there to give me a helping hand, much like Alan, Andreea and the team are now. Because of all this, I really couldn’t be happier in my role.

What would you say you enjoy most about your job?
My main focus is on the people who work here. I want to ensure that everyone feels motivated and wants to come to work every day. I make it a point to speak with staff as often as possible, and when I hear that they’re happy in their roles, eager to progress, and curious about the next steps in their careers, it makes me feel so happy. Being around the great team we have here makes my job very enjoyable. I also have great flexibility here. I have the option to work from home, and I’m not tied to the typical 9-to-5 schedule. This means I can log on before the kids go to school or after they’ve gone to bed. Being allowed this balance between work and my family life is amazing, and it makes managing everything much easier on a personal level.

What was it about One Nexus that made you want to get involved?
I chose One Nexus because I could see they create an environment that encourages people to make a difference here. Since joining, I have been able to implement policy changes that have truly benefited our employees. I’ve also been able to successfully enhance various benefits, including maternity pay, paternity pay, and sick pay, which again has had a real impact on our staff.

Outside of work, what do you enjoy doing?
Outside of work, my passion is going to concerts and listening to live music. I enjoy all kinds of music. For example, I was at The Stables in Milton Keynes earlier this month watching The Shires, a local country music band. Next year, amongst many other gigs, I’m going to see Oasis and Coldplay which will obviously both be massive gigs. It’s something I’ve always done with my mum, and now we’re also introducing the music scene to my kids. They’ve started asking why I go to concerts so often, so I told them: “If you want to come, you’ve got to actually listen to the music!” We’re taking them to their second gig in February, and they’ve been listening to the music nonstop.

Finally, what is one thing you would like readers to know about yourself or One Nexus that they might not know already?
At One Nexus Group, everyone is dedicated to providing our clients with the very best service possible. I also want the readers to know what a great place to work One Nexus is. The fact people tend to stay with us long-term speaks volumes about that. Of course, a few people come and go, but most of our team have been with us for years. It’s like becoming part of a family!

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